Welcome to Coach2Lead

How to coach people to full accountability and their best performance.

Coach2Lead is the easiest and fastest way to learn the #1 skill that separates good leaders from great leaders: Coaching.

Our promise to you is that if you invest just 1-2 per week for the next 6-12 weeks, you will master the basics of coaching and begin seeing improved results for you, your people and your organization.

When you learn to incorporate coaching as a primary leadership style you become better at developing your people while adopting a highly coveted and easily portable leadership skill you can use in all area of your life.

If you want to learn coaching, the #1 leadership skill in the most effective and efficient way possible, you’ve made the right choice!

Tom Rausch. Your Mentor coach in this program is the creator of Coaching Culture Change; Tom has used this program to personally train thousands of leaders around the globe how to coach people to greater levels of performance and accountability to shared goals.

Quest Curriculum

  • 6 Modules
  • Coaching By Mentor Coach
  • Community Support
  • Module 01

    Business Case for Coaching

    How you, your organization, and your people will benefit when you learn to coach.

  • Module 02

    Listen Like a Coach

    Master the mindsets, skills, and strategies of Leaders who are great listeners.

  • Module 03

    Questions that Open Thinking

    Learn the art of asking questions that help people find the answers already inside of themselves.

  • Module 04

    GROWing People, Structured Conversations

    Learn to use this simple 4 step process to get better outcomes in every business conversation.

  • Module 05

    Embedding Habits of Accountability

    Save time and improve results by building follow up into every interaction.

  • Module 06

    Achieve Coaching Mastery

    Continually develop yourself as a Leader who people WANT to follow.

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Success Stories

  • Tim A., Global Managing Director of Accenture Business Services

    Life Changing.

    "Coaching is the single most impactful leadership skill I have ever learned. I wish I had learned this 30 years ago!"

  • Executive Leader, Coach2Lead Graduate

    True Leadership.

    "This is true leadership...developing people to think better and achieve higher."

  • Executive Leader, Coach2Lead Graduate

    A Revelation.

    "My eyes have been opened to the power of coaching."

  • Area Vice President, Midwestern Bank

    Practical. High Quality.

    "These sessions have been more robust and beneficial than other leadership development programs I’ve been through."

Start your Journey now

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